13) How many minutes a day do you use your phone for calls?

Question 14More than 70 per cent use their phones for less than 10 minutes a day for the purposes of calling. Almost half of the sample surveyed (45 per cent) use their phones to call others for only 5 minutes or less, reflecting earlier results outlined from this survey (only 1 per cent of our sample said that voice calling was the dominant activity in their daily mobile phone use).


14) How do you usually make voice calls?

Question 15An overwhelming majority of 91 per cent of those surveyed still prefer to use their standard mobile network for voice calling rather than so-called ‘over-the-top’ technologies such as Skype, WhatsApp and FaceTime. Voice may have lost the war against data communication in the mindset of students, but operators are at least winning the battle for voice services.


15) How many minutes a day do you use messaging services such as texting, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger etc.?

rsz_new_nehaOf those surveyed, more than 80 per cent use messaging services such as texting, WhatsApp & Facebook Messenger more than 20 minutes a day, while almost a third (32 per cent) use messaging services for more than an hour on a daily basis. This 32 per cent compares to just 1 per cent of students who use voice services for more than an hour per day, supporting the notion that messaging has replaced the voice call.

16) What is your preferred form of messaging?

17In the world of messaging, ‘over-the-top’ platforms dominate the student demographic. Almost half of the people surveyed (49 per cent) prefer WhatsApp to other forms of data messaging, while a quarter of the sample (25 per cent) chose Facebook Messenger as their primary form of messaging. The more traditional text messaging service is only the third most popular form of messaging, winning 23 per cent of the vote.


17) How much time per day do you spend on social media via your phone?

Question 18More than half (55 per cent) of respondents surveyed said that they spend more than 40 minutes a day on social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc., via their mobile phone. An overwhelming majority of 80 per cent spend more than 20 minutes a day on social media.



18) Which social media app do you use on your phone most often?

Question 19Of those surveyed, much more than half of the sample (60 per cent) named Facebook as their most regularly used social media app, followed by (Facebook-owned) Instagram (19 per cent). Surprisingly, Twitter was the primary social media app for only 9 per cent of those surveyed. More evidence that Facebook remains hugely popular with this demographic.