Microsoft teamed with Samsung to launch a new security system aimed at protecting devices from cyberattacks and breaches, combining their respective offerings.
The duo said in a press release they had worked together on a device attestation solution which ensures devices’ identity and health, while identifying if any hacks or attacks had occurred.
It operates on both company-owned and personal devices and is touted as a milestone in enterprise security software, as it provides added layers of protection against insecure networks and compromised devices.
Samsung explained the software combines its hardware security offerings with Microsoft Intune, a cloud-based app and device management service for businesses.
It also incorporates Samsung’s Knox security platform, which the vendor claimed is deployed by more than 30,000 businesses spanning 110 countries.
The pair claimed the system is particularly beneficial at a time when the work landscape is changing, with employees working remotely becoming the norm. The technology also enables users to safely access work-related data from personal devices, a feature Samsung claimed “required a new approach” as conventional enterprise security offerings were largely tied to device ownership.
The system will be available to select Samsung Galaxy devices operating on Android 10 or later.
“As the cybersecurity landscape evolves, more ground-breaking solutions are on the horizon, reinforcing our commitment to safeguarding data and ensuring a secure digital future for all”, said Michael Wallent, corporate VP at Microsoft.