Samsung Electronics detailed its latest processor, designed to deliver more responsive wearable UIs while providing high-quality LTE connectivity, which will be used in its next smartwatch.
The Exynos W920 integrates an LTE modem with an advanced 5nm process node, the company noted.
It features two cores and a GPU based on Arm technologies, which Samsung claimed increases CPU performance by around 20 per cent and graphics by 10 per cent compared with its predecessor.
Samsung added it is the smallest design available for a chip incorporating its various features: “the processor’s compact size allows smartwatches to house larger batteries or don sleeker designs”.
The processor is also compatible with a new unified wearable platform being developed alongside Google. It will debut in Samsung’s upcoming watches.
Samsung VP of marketing for its LSI division Harry Cho stated the chip would enable wearables to “run applications with visually appealing UIs and more responsive user experiences while keeping you connected on the go with fast LTE”.