Spanish regulator CMT has launched public consultations on the reduction of mobile termination fees. Telecompaper said CMT proposes a 43 percent reduction of mobile termination fees for the three main operators Telefónica Moviles Spain (Movistar), Vodafone Spain and Orange Spain, as well as a 52 percent adjustment for Xfera, which operates in Spain under the Yoigo brand.
CMT has put forward a two-year timetable over which to reduce the termination rates at six monthly intervals, from 16 October 2009 to 15 October 2011. It suggested the final termination fee should be EUR 0.04, down by 43 percent from the current price of EUR 0.07. The exception would be the most recent market entrant Yoigo, which would be allowed to apply a higher call termination fee of EUR 0.049 on the grounds that it launched into a mature market and has higher costs than its competitors.