Canadian newcomer Wind Mobile has launched HD Voice technology throughout its network and trialed LTE technology. Claiming to be “a North American first,” Wind has switched on HD Voice and will offer the service free to users of the Alcatel Tribe Android device ahead of further handset availability. Only a few other operators worldwide currently support HD Voice, which promises “a dramatically enhanced caller experience with improved audio quality and the reduction of background noise.” Orange is a major proponent of the technology.
Meanwhile Wind also touted a successful live LTE trial, although no specific details were released. HSPA operator Wind is one of several startups battling incumbents Rogers, Bell and Telus in the Canadian mobile market, and, according to Wireless Intelligence estimates, had around 240,000 connections at the end of last year. Backed by Egypt’s Orascom Telecom, it holds spectrum covering every part of the country except Quebec and launched in December 2009.