LIVE FROM DTW 2024, COPENHAGEN: Claudia Nemat, executive board member, innovation and technology at Deutsche Telekom (pictured, right), urged the telecoms industry to rediscover a human centred purpose and offer the world meaningful services, in an attempt to fix “what we did wrong” decades ago.

Nemat issued the plea to the audience in Copenhagen, stating the telecoms industry had to be accountable in driving responsible, ethical AI and technology for communities and ensure what they bring to market has a purpose for human beings.

During the speech, Nemat opened up on how the company is pushing a more purpose-driven strategy through establishing a new DNA, addressing both emerging technologies and customer expectations.

She went on to argue the industry made mistakes in the past by over monetising customers, meaning “that others could disrupt us”.

“Monetisation in itself is not a purpose. You want to be monetised, but it comes as a result of being respectful to people, to communities in the world and offering something to them that is meaningful.”

She believes the industry now has the chance to “disrupt the disruptors because many algorithms are just shit – they actually increase engagement, but not truthfulness”.

“So this is a huge opportunity to disrupt whatever is shitty and create opportunities that help us, as some CEOs say, save mankind.”