Telegram launched a feature called Instant View that lets users of its messaging app view articles on Medium and TechCrunch as a native page with “zero pageload time”, helping them save time and data.
This is similar to Facebook’s Instant Articles and Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages.
“Only a handful of websites are supported at the moment, but we’ll be adding more as we go”, said Telegram, adding that “eventually we want to provide Instant View pages for every story on the web and thus devour the entire internet”.
The secure messaging app maker is also launching a publishing tool called Telegraph that lets users create blog posts with photos and embedded videos in a matter of minutes. These posts will also have the Instant View feature.
Users can now also search within chats by date, view sticker packs more easily and when looking at a contact can see which group chats they have in common.
It has also updated its Android app with “a slick new interface for creating groups and selecting users in privacy settings”, improved security for passcode locks and a faster camera.
New Android features also include better video compression and a less obstructive photo viewer.
Last month, Telegram launched a gaming platform through which bots can be used to play games within chats.