Scoreloop, the German firm which enables developers to add social connectivity to mobile games, wants to encourage iOS developers to port their games to the Android OS. To this end, the firm has “revealed” a new progamme (it was actually launched in early January 2011 but not previously disclosed) to help developers make the move. The aim of the programme, which is called Go Android, is “to remove the operational, legal and financial overheads of porting games from one platform to another.”
The firm started its programme with two launch partners, who developed the popular iOS games Geared and Toobz, which together have been downloaded more than 20 million times. The creators of the two games joined Scoreloop’s programme in January and Android versions of the apps will go on sale next week. Cross-platform play will be possible through updated iOS versions of the games released at the same time. Scoreloop currently offers its social gaming capabilities for Bada and Windows Phone 7, in addition to Android and iOS.
“We’re providing real value for developers, not just funds. Navigating the Android ecosystem isn’t a simple task and we want to be there for developers through the whole process,” says Marc Gumpinger, Scoreloop’s CEO. The firm says any developer can apply to join its programme “by showing how they would leverage Scoreloop’s social features as part of their app”.