PlayPhone, which operates the cross-platform PlayPhone Social Gaming Network, announced an updated software developers kit, adding new features for partners integrating with its mobile social gaming services, with developer Jump Games set to add support to its catalogue of titles.
According to a statement, Jump Games’ partnership with PlayPhone “marks the debut of these premier franchises via a cross-platform mobile social gaming network”. Availability details for resulting products were not announced.
PlayPhone said that the “second generation” of its SDK provides developers with “even more insight and control over their game’s user experience and monetisation with this easy-to-use, faster-to-implement solution for game publishing across any platform and device”.
The headline feature of the release is the introduction of POP (Performance Optimization Platform), which PlayPhone said is “an elegant technology that enables developers to quickly add dynamic touch points in-game in order to optimise engagement, monetisation and marketing without having to re-publish games to various app stores”.
By inserting code at “critical points” in a game, developers are able to create custom actions such as dialogue boxes, interstitials, ratings requests, cross promotions, virtual goods upsells, “and more”, with the ability to modify and manage these via a developer portal.
Other features include cross-platform publishing, with development options for iOS, Android, WP7, HTML5 and Unity; a “comprehensive cloud-based tool set”, including a suite of game data management tools with cloud back-up; an analytics dashboard; and “seamless user integration”, which is non-intrusive to games yet available when players want to access social features or invite friends.
The company said that there are more than 3,000 developers working with the current version of the SDK.
Earlier this month, PlayPhone said that its mobile social gaming network saw growth of 400 percent in the first six months of 2012, passing the 4.1 million monthly active user total.