Android has launched a new “dashboard” for its Android Market store that aims to provide developers with a range of new apps statistics. The new service – known simply as ‘Application Statistics’ – is a new feature in the Android Market Developer Console. It provides charts and tables that summarise each app’s active installation trend over time, as well as its distribution across key dimensions such as Android platform versions, devices, user countries, and user languages.
The post included a sample of statistics relating to Android’s own Androidify, an app that lets users create a cartoon version of themselves (based on the Android robot). The stats reveal that the free app has been downloaded almost 2 million times since launch. The most popular platform version was Android 2.2 (65.9 percent), followed by 2.1 (31.6 percent). The most popular device the app was downloaded to was the HTC Evo 4G (6.7 percent), followed by the Samsung Galaxy S (5.3 percent) and the Motorola Droid X (5.1 percent). See the full stats here.
For additional context, Application Statistics also shows the comparable aggregate distribution for all app installs from Android Market (numbering in the billions). “You could use this data to observe how your app performs relative to the rest of Market or decide what to develop next,” said Google’s Eric Chu. The service includes data going back to 22 December 2010 but will be updated daily from now on.