Big Tech Microsoft October 26, 2009 New Yahoo CEO restructures company Dow Jones Newswires reports that Yahoo's CFO Blake Jorgensen is leaving. By Mobile World Live
Apple Big Tech Devices Google Microsoft Nokia RAN Vendors October 26, 2009 Microsoft gives app store developers a 70% cut Microsoft yesterday confirmed that its new application store - Windows Marketplace for Mobile - will offer developers 70 percent of sales revenue from each application and allow them to set their own cost for each app. By Mobile World Live
Apple Big Tech Devices Google Microsoft October 26, 2009 Microsoft names first app store software partners Microsoft has signed-up a number of software partners for the launch of its applications store later this year, reports Reuters. By Mobile World Live
Big Tech Google Microsoft October 26, 2009 Skype launches VoIP for iPhone… but only via Wi-Fi VoIP pioneer Skype has confirmed recent speculation by unveiling a version of its software for Apple's App Store. By Mobile World Live
Apple Big Tech Devices Microsoft Nokia RAN Vendors October 26, 2009 Nokia strengthens Ovi push Keeping up with other high-profile application store announcements this week from Microsoft and RIM, Nokia today announced new content and services for its Ovi Store, due to open globally in May. By Mobile World Live
Big Tech Microsoft October 26, 2009 Microsoft sees wide US support for 6.5 Microsoft expects several phones on the US market to be powered by its Windows Mobile 6.5 operating system after it launches later this year, reports Reuters. By Mobile World Live
Big Tech Microsoft October 23, 2009 Report: Microsoft, Yahoo talking on search deal Reuters notes that the chief executives of Microsoft and Yahoo met last week to discuss potential partnerships between the companies' Internet search and advertising operations, the technology blog All Things Digital reported on Friday. By Mobile World Live