Making IoT a 5G Growth Opportunity
The COVID-19 pandemic has created sizeable operational challenges for manufacturers as they adapt to shifts in supply and demand and new ways of working on-site.
A growing number of manufacturing companies are looking to expand or deploy Internet of Things (IoT) devices to ensure business continuity through increased remote monitoring and automation.
However, many manufacturers still lack the seamless, secure mobile connectivity needed to connect the thousands of sensors and robotic equipment that make automation possible. They also typically operate within a complex and diverse technology environment that hinders integration.
5G delivers the carrier-grade security, latency and bandwidth needed for the next generation of IoT. For 5G usage to become widespread within manufacturing, mobile network operators (MNOs) will have to ensure IoT solutions are secure and easy to install and operate.
Read Telit’s whitepaper ‘Making IoT a 5G Growth Opportunity’ to find out how mobile operators can harness 5G to help manufacturers enable smarter, more productive manufacturing.
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