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Innovation in 5G Architectures – From X-Haul Transport to Multi-layer Service Slicing

5G network architectures and service requirements will have major implications for how operators design transport networks. As communication service providers (CSPs) are in the early stages of rolling out 5G, Mobile World Live conducted an online survey of mobile and fixed-line network operators and mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) to understand current strategies and plans for future innovation in 5G transport networks.

The survey revealed that 5G transport is a high priority for CSPs and showed that while CSPs are initially concerned with meeting capacity and low latency requirements in the near term, they are also preparing to support advanced 5G features such as X-haul, network slicing and Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC).

Based on the survey results, this report analyses operator strategies for 5G transport, including timelines for deploying advanced 5G features as well as the complex challenges that CSPs identified.

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