Juniper Research forecast global satellite IoT revenue in 2027 would be almost double the sum of 2024, spurred by growing demand for connectivity beyond the reach of terrestrial networks by industries including mining and shipping.

The research company warned the heightened demand is a double-edged sword, offering the potential for revenue of $5.8 billion in 2027 compared with $2.9 billion this year, but also creating a security headache by opening new attack surfaces.

Juniper Research explained the fresh attack opportunities are being created by the network architectures derived by integrating terrestrial and satellite networks, and called for “robust cybersecurity” plays by mobile and satellite network operators to protect traffic as it travels between the two types of infrastructure.

It noted satellite adds to an already complex IoT security landscape due to the broader spread of access points requiring protection.

Analyst Michelle Joynson authored Juniper Research’s latest report on the sector and said any security measures must span several levels of satellite service providers’ networks, particularly those seeking to cash in on an expected primary demand from government and defence sectors.

Joynson suggested companies invest in “advanced network security solutions such as quantum key distribution” to attract government and defence industry contracts.

Juniper Research predicted the government and defence sectors will account for 20 per cent of a revenue haul expected to top $11 billion by 2030.