Spain released the terms for its latest 5G spectrum auction, snipping starting prices by an average of 15 per cent from its initial estimate and easing other conditions in an attempt to promote operator investment.
Unveiling the final document Spain’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation pointed to changes from its original draft related to prices, licence duration and greater detail on coverage obligations.
Its auction for licences in the 700MHz frequency band is set to take place in the weeks before 21 July having been delayed by the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
Spain held its first sale of 5G-suitable frequencies in 2018.
The ministry added amendments to its most recent terms followed a peer review and public consultation.
Its combined starting price for all seven allocations on offer will be €995.5 million, down from the €1.17 billion it initially planned to set. Each licence will come with a 20 year optional extension in addition to the initial 20 year term, and coverage obligations have been amended.
In comments reported by Reuters, a ministry representative also noted a requirement to offer wholesale access at specific prices had been removed.
Writing in Spanish daily newspaper El Pais, Spain’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation Nadia Calvino said the modifications would provide “greater legal certainty and attractive conditions” for operator investments.
Operators have a deadline of 2 July to apply to take part in the sale.