Satellite operator SES won a stamp of approval from the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for clearing and relocating C-Band spectrum to free up access for mobile operators.
The satellite company is now eligible to receive a relocation payment of $3 billion from US operators having completed something known as a Phase II clearance scheme.
It expects to receive payment in Q4.
The deadline to meet relocation requirements is 5 December.
Clearing the spectrum is meant to enable mobile operators which acquired C-Band spectrum in an auction to begin using it for 5G services. They are required to pay early relocation fees to SES.
Under the Phase II scheme, SES repacked all its C-Band downlink services and associated Earth stations across the continental US into the upper 200MHz of C-Band.
It also launched five new satellites to maintain digital TV services to nearly 120 million homes along with so-called critical data services using the 4,000MHz to 4,200MHz range.
SES CEO Ruy Pinto stated the project will enable the FCC to advance 5G access and innovation while ensuring current C-Band broadcasts and radio services are maintained.