Samsung announced a number of operator partnerships for its Galaxy Fold smartphone, as the foldable device nears commercial availability in Europe.
Retail launch is scheduled for 3 May in 15 markets in the region: UK; Germany; France; Italy; Spain; Sweden; Norway; Finland; Denmark; Belgium; Netherlands; Poland; Austria; Switzerland; and Romania.
The ordering process will begin on Samsung and partner websites from 26 April. Customers can also register interest now.
Partners include EE in the UK; Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone and O2 (Germany); Proximus (Belgium); and Swisscom, Sunrise and Mobilezone (Switzerland).
The foldable screen device, unveiled on the eve of MWC19 Barcelona during February, comes with a hefty €2,000 price tag, bundled with Galaxy Buds earphones and a protective case.
While the company saw some of its thunder stolen by Huawei, which only days later unveiled its Mate X, Samsung regained the high ground by confirming its plans to put its foldable smartphone into the hands of consumers.
Galaxy Fold features a 7.3-inch folding display, which closes to give a more compact smartphone form. It is said to enable a seamless transition from closed to open use, with “multi-active window” to support multitasking.