LG unveiled the Q6 smartphone, its first offering in a new mid-tier range designed to offer “many of LG’s most sought out premium features at a competitive price”.
The LG Q6 is the first mid-tier unit to feature the same FullVision display of its flagship G6 model. LG said the Q6’s 5.5 inch HD+ display sports the same 18:9 aspect ratio as its high-end sibling, though the mid-range model is slightly smaller than the flagship. It also features a 100-degree wide-angle selfie camera.
Three variants of the device will be available – the Q6+, Q6 and Q6a – with each catering to different memory and storage requirements.
Juno Cho, president of LG Electronics Mobile Communications said the Q6 comes equipped with “a blend of premium features, great performance and attractive pricing, a combination that is extremely important to us as we look at the way consumers are using smartphones around the world”.
LG did not reveal any other smartphones planned for the Q Series, but said it is the “latest line of powerful, mid-range smartphones boasting the essential features of LG premium phones at exceptional price points”.
The vendor added the Q6 will go on sale in key markets in Asia from August, with Europe, Latin America and North America to follow.