British Telecom (BT) is launching a corporate version of its fixed-mobile convergence product ‘Fusion’ in Asia Pacific, reports Cellular News. Initially targeting the markets of Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea, the product supports both GSM and CDMA technology and is PABX vendor and mobile operator agnostic, meaning that it is not tied to any specific manufacturers’ mobile handset models. Using Wi-Fi technology to interface with the fixed network, BT believes employees will benefit from a single mobile device supporting their communication within and outside the office.
BT claims to be the first provider of fixed-mobile convergence products for corporates in the Asia Pacific region. An earlier version of Fusion, targeted at UK consumers, was regarded by analysts as a failure, reportedly attracting fewer than 50,000 customers since its launch in 2005. The company is believed to have since stopped marketing the device to consumers.