Indian operators have been told they can retain some high-quality spectrum when the country replaces the 900MHz band with the lower quality 1800MHz airwaves, reports Reuters.
According to a government official, a panel of Indian ministers has decided operators will be allowed to keep 2.5MHz of the original spectrum to avoid the risk of losing connectivity following the switch.
The likes of Bharti Airtel and Vodafone will have to match an auction-based price for the capacity they retain and purchase additional capacity from the auction.
The switch to the 1800MHz band will mean operators will have to invest heavily in mobile masts and network gear that work with the spectrum.
The auction for the 900MHz spectrum that will be retained will be conducted by March, according to the source. The auction for the 1800MHz band is due to start on 12 November following the Supreme Court’s decision in February to revoke 2G licences due to irregularities when they were issued in 2008.