Apple has reportedly secured deals with Russia’s three major operators to supply the iPhone. Reuters cites a source stating the device will go on sale from largest operator MTS from October. Meanwhile, Russian business daily Vedomosti claims VimpelCom and MegaFon will join MTS in launching the device. If true, the deals will end recent speculation linking the device to launch in one of the world’s fastest growing mobile markets. Apple is also talking with China Mobile in an effort to bring the device to the world’s largest mobile market.

Meanwhile, the iPhone 3G went on sale today in India via operators Vodafone Essar and Bharti Airtel, and in the Philippines via Globe Telecom. Bharti plans to sell the device for INR31,000 (US$709). Separately, O2 UK has published a statement on its website claiming that the operator is “experiencing unprecedented demand for the device,” adding that “whilst we are confident that all customers who want iPhone 3G will get one by the end of this summer, initial supply is limited and will be for some weeks.” The device also launched today in Poland via Orange and T-Mobile. Reuters reports that, in a marketing campaign, Orange Poland has paid actors to stand in queues in an effort to ramp up and encourage consumer interest. In further negative publicity for Apple, Dow Jones reports that a US woman who bought Apple’s iPhone 3G this summer is suing the manufacturer, alleging that Apple falsely claims the phone’s Internet connection is twice as fast as the original iPhone.