Nokia partnered with Japanese operator NTT to deploy private wireless network services to more than 3.2 million enterprises across Thailand, an attempt to boost adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies.

The vendor will supply its Digital Automation Cloud technology and MX Industrial Edge platform for private 5G deployments across business parks spanning 3.2 million enterprises.

Nokia and NTT stated the partnership is “designed to create an agile environment for enterprises and industries”, while opening access to “industrial IoT, machine learning and AI”.

The vendor stated a suite of “as-a-service digital technologies” will enable Thai businesses to access use cases including digital twins, video analytics and machine vision, among others.

They will also offer integrated industrial devices and a catalogue of applications to primary verticals including manufacturing, mining and healthcare.

Sutas Kongdumrongkiat, CEO of NTT, stated the companies will provide access to advanced 5G technology and applications “enabling automation, robotics, and digital transformation solutions”.