RIM said that more than 19,000 applications were submitted in its latest Port-A-Thon event, as it extended the deadline for apps submitted to its Built for BlackBerry programme.
The company said last week that some 15,000 apps had been added to its catalogue in an earlier, similar event.
In a blog post, RIM said that developers can apply for a Built for BlackBerry review and to participate in RIM’s $10K Developer Commitment until 18 February.
The number of apps submitted for review under the programme has been “remarkable”, according to the blog post.
Built for BlackBerry is designed to highlight apps which are “highly engaging, high calibre and demonstrate the beautiful, social, integrated essence of BlackBerry 10”.
The $10K Developer Commitment is intended to provide developers with a guaranteed minimum income level, as long as certain criteria are met.
RIM also this week implemented its previously-announced rebranding of its BlackBerry App World store, to BlackBerry World.
The change “reflects a shift in the type of things you can purchase from the store as we transition to BlackBerry 10 and beyond”.