Verizon Wireless, the largest operator in the US, is weighing up Samsung Pay, the vendor’s mobile payment service which is due to launch in the States at the end of next month (28 September).
“Verizon is in the process of evaluating Samsung Pay and we’ll keep our customers updated on any news regarding the service”, the operator said in a tweet.
Samsung lists AT&T, T-Mobile US and Sprint, three of the top four operators, as supporters of the new service, along with US Cellular. But Verizon Wireless would represent a major omission, although the vendor has credit card giants American Express, MasterCard and Visa on board, as well as leading banks, Bank of America and US Bank.
The vendor announced its launch plans for Samsung Pay earlier this month, which include a debut in South Korea followed by the US.
Samsung will offer the service either preloaded on two upcoming Galaxy smartphones or as an update to certain existing Galaxy smartphones.
Earlier this year, Verizon Wireless (along with AT&T and T-Mobile US) agreed to offer Google Wallet, a rival to Samsung Pay, preloaded on certain Android devices sold by the operators.
That agreement followed the sale of certain assets belonging to Softcard, the mobile payments venture backed by the three operators, to Google. Verizon Wireless and the two other operators backed away from offering a payment service themselves.
Verizon Wireless’ absence from the list of Samsung Pay supporters was first noted last week by Sammobile.